Considering himself as a foolish sinner, though with mercy of God, he has dedicated himself to the mission. He follows His steps and is willing to be the servant of God and everyone. He serves as a pastor at Chinese Rhenish Church and servants fellowship, and also works on photography and art.
1961 在香港出世,父親馮家豪是基督教循道衛理公會傳道人。
1964 舉家因父親受教會差派遷台,落腳嘉義,開拓衛理公會在嘉義的第一間教會。
1974 參與教會少年團契,查考聖經,信仰得啟蒙。多次經歷禱告得上主回應,而認真思索信仰,並承認自己的罪性,領受堅振禮成為基督徒。
1979 就讀協和工商美工科,受教於恩師版畫、雕塑家董振平先生。
1982 自職校畢業後(除了三年兵役期間)一直從事美術設計工作。在此前後因受到攝影家阮義忠老師的攝影展和相關著作之啓發,開始接觸攝影。
1988 結識攝影家簡永彬先生,並在他鼓勵與恩助下,於夏門攝影藝廊作第一次攝影個展《小孩與名叫愛麗斯的蝴蝶》。
1990 報名圖騰攝影教室開辦之十二堂由阮義忠老師教授的「當代攝影大師與黑白暗房技巧班」。
2003 取得台灣神學院道學碩士學位。
2008 受按立牧師職。
1961 Born in Hong Kong. Father, Fung Jia-Hao, is a preacher for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
1964 Moves to Taiwan and settles in Chiayi after father is sent by the church. Father establishes the first Methodist Church in Chiayi.
1974 Participates in the Youth Fellowship at church. Receives deep insight through Bible study and faith. Repeatedly receives replies from God to prayers, and confesses to his sins. Undergoes confirmation ceremony to become a Christian.
1979 Enrolls in the Department of Arts and Crafts at Xiehe High School of Industry and Commerce, and receives instruction in Printmaking from the sculptor, Mr. Dong Zheng-Ping.
1982 Takes on art design work after graduating from vocational school (excluding three years of military service). Photography exhibitions and books by the photographer, Juan I-Jong, inspire Fung to begin photography.
1988 Befriends photographer Chien Yung-Pin. Holds first solo photography exhibition, A Child and A Butterfly Named Alice, at Xiamen Photography Art Gallery with Chien's encouragement and assistance.
1990 Registers at Toten Photography Classroom's twelfth class, and enrolls in "Masters of Contemporary Photography and Black and White Darkroom Technique" taught by Professor Juan I-Jong.
2003 Receives Master's Degree at Taiwan Theological College & Seminary.
2008 Ordained to priesthood.
Stanley Fung is well known for his Photo-Imagery Art, but his official job is actually in full time ministry in the church. Stanley’s works, in his own words, are more than just a hobby to serve the Lord, but it is also a reflection of beliefs that he lives for and would also die for.
The work of Stanley has gone beyond the spectrum of objective depiction, taking Christian theology as its foundation, and constructing a drama within a single frame, to tell a unique view of art. It is based on this view of humanity that each individual in his work is not an accident derived from a series of contingent coincidence in the vast universe, nor a Naked Ape, nor a subject of desire, nor cultural animal; yet a coalescence of substance and divinity - an anxious finite being endowed with eternal consciousness.
In addition to the portrait work “Dust Icon”, Stanley has other series: “The Word in All Thing (Still-Life)”, “Members for One Another”, “Mere Straw”, “Cursive”, “The Word in Forgotten Surfaces”, “Bone of Bones”, “ A Spectacle” and so on. These series also reflect Stanley, as a Christian, his view of time, space, objects, the nature and history of humanity.